হাঁটা মানে বাঁচা
Walking is man's best medicine. -Hippocrates Meandering leads to perfection. -Lao Tzu All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking. - Friedrich Nietzsche If I could not walk far and fast, I think I should just explode and perish. - Charles Dickens Every walk is a sort of crusade. - Henry David Thoreau My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing. - Aldous Huxley I understood at a very early age that in nature, I felt everything I should feel in church but never did. Walking in the woods, I felt in touch with the universe and with the spirit of the universe. - Alice Walker When you have worn out your shoes, the strength of the shoe leather has passed into the fiber of your body. I measure your health by the number of shoes and hats and clothes you have worn out. -Ralph Waldo Emerson The best remedy for a short temper is a long walk. -Jacqueline Schiff Above all, do not lose your